Archives de mots clés: Network

Winter Camp, à Amsterdam

Un Winter Camp un peu différent de celui de la résidence à Briant.. C’est celui auquel je vais participer avec Marika Dermineur (Upgrade! Paris) et Karen Dermineur (Upgrade! Dakar) du 3 au 7 mars à Amsterdam..

> Ici pour les infos

Next week, I’m going to the Institute of network Wintercamp in Amsterdam!
About Winter Camp
Winter Camp is an event, organized by the Institute of Network Cultures and will take place 3-7 March ‘09 in Amsterdam. Network Cultures Winter Camp will be a mix of presentations and work spaces with an emphasis on getting things done. It will be a four-day program of work spaces and plenary presentations, in which a dozen networks (each of which has 5-15 people) can work on their specific current topics.

> Here for more infos